Anyone planning on going to Collip Club on Tuesday?
For those that don't know its a dinner and talk given at the faculty club for only $10. The up coming one is Dr Rachubinski, talking about peroxisome assembly. If that doesn't interest you then just come for the food. There's more info here, and you are supposed to RSVP by this friday.
You can still RSVP, email with your name, & names of anyone else you're RSVPing for. There's really good roast beef at these things.... Sam, Andrea, Vic, Sue & I are all going....
Just editted your post to get the emoticons working. For future reference, just click on the smileys at the bottom of the post page. If you click the "more>>" button you will get more smileys. This time however, you must manually type in the text of the smiley (eg. :_____: ) that's beside the graphic.